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Art Appreciation Course

Art Appreciation Course 

This course aims to help you grow personally and improve your overall well-being through the study of Art Appreciation with Life as we see it as a subtext. The course may include a gallery visit, or exploration of online collections.

Throughout the course, you’ll find engaging and enjoyable challenges that will help develop both personal and work-related skills. As you progress, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of creative and practical arts, learning how they reflect and shape our society over time. Additionally, you’ll explore how art contributes to the cultural richness of our community, both locally and globally. Our goal is to encourage your self-expression and creativity, promoting mental sharpness, memory, attention, concentration, and social skills. You’ll have the opportunity to form new friendships and visit galleries together, if desired. Assessment will focus on the development of skills studied each week, as well as end-of-course presentations. We encourage self-reflection and documentation using personal accordion books or notebooks. Throughout the course, you’ll delve into the world of Modern art from 1880 onwards, discussing and analysing artworks, artists, and movements. You’ll expand your art vocabulary, visit galleries/museums, and conduct online research. Group visit to galleries or museums are also part of the experience.

Welcome to the Art Appreciation course with Mania Row both at Poverest and Kentwood

Our Art Appreciation course, “Life as we see it,” aims to help you grow personally and enhance your well-being through the study of art. Here’s what you can expect:

Course Highlights:

  1. Engaging Challenges:
    • Develop both personal and work-related skills.
    • Enjoy activities designed to boost creativity and practical arts understanding.
  1. Cultural Exploration:
    • Discover how art contributes to local and global cultural richness.
    • Learn how art reflects and shapes our society over time.
  1. Skill Development:
    • Enhance mental sharpness, memory, attention, concentration, and social skills.
    • Promote self-expression and creativity.
  1. Interactive Learning:
    • Participate in gallery visits and explore online art collections.
    • Form new friendships and visit galleries together, if desired.
  1. Comprehensive Studies:
    • Focus on Modern art from 1880 onwards.
    • Discuss and analyse artworks, artists, and movements.
  1. Assessment and Documentation:
    • Weekly skill development assessments and end-of-course presentations.
    • Self-reflection and documentation encouraged through keeping a personal accordion book or notebooks documenting your art journey.
  1. Expanded Art Vocabulary:
    • Conduct online research and delve into various art topics.
    • Engage in discussions and enhance your understanding of art terminology.

Course Activities:

  • Gallery Visits:
    • Visit local galleries and museums in London as a group.
    • Experience art first-hand and discuss your observations.
  • Online Collections:
    • Explore online art collections from anywhere in the world for a broader perspective.
    • Analyse different artworks and styles from the comfort of your home.

Why Join?

  • Personal Growth: Improve your overall well-being and mental sharpness.
  • Creative Expression: Unleash your creativity and self-expression through art.
  • Cultural Enrichment: Gain a deeper appreciation of the cultural significance of art.
  • Community Building: Form new friendships and enjoy collaborative learning experiences.

Join us in this enriching journey through the world of art. Expand your horizons, develop new skills, and appreciate the beauty and impact of art in our lives.

For more details and enrolment, visit BAEC  Art Appreciation Course Page.