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Academic year 2023-24 News


Christmas Cards Project 2023

Learners from the LLDD (SEND) provision joined the Christmas Cards Projects 2023 – Part of the Tackling Loneliness Strategy from London Borough of Bromley. Our learners made 44 cards which were collected by Helayna Jenkins, Principal Loneliness Champion and will be delivered across the Borough to those who feel alone, lonely or isolated. Overall Helayna collected more than 4200 cards, 3000 more than the previous year.



Celebrating Black History Month

In October learners’ focus in their lessons was on Black History Month. Learners in English classes produced a display of significant figures, talking about their lives and contributions to culture in Britain and across the world.

BAEC wins the People’s Team Award of the Year at Bromley Stars Award Ceremony

On Friday 7 July at the Bromley Council Stars Award Ceremony, BAEC was declared winner of the People’s Team Award of the Year.
Here are only some of the reasons for which we won the award:
  • Learning continued uninterrupted during the pandemic and centres were open at all times when not in full lockdown
  • BAEC provided extremely swift and wide ranging response to ESOL needs of Ukrainian refugees in Bromley
  • BAEC greatly improved digital skills of staff and learners between 2020 and 2023
  • BAEC staff have demonstrated an exceptional ethos of mutual help and support, all pulling together to deliver a great service
  • Learner feedback is always high

BAEC at Launch your Career Recruitment Fair

BAEC Curriculum Development Managers participated in the LBB Launch your career recruitment fair held at LSEC on Bromley common, alongside providers of education , apprenticeships and work placements.

BAEC entry level courses in ESOL, English and maths, Digital Skills and employability can help set people up on the ladder to success.

Vocational courses will nurture talent towards mastery of creative art, sewing, upholstery, cookery or stained glass.

BAEC staff met the Mayor of Bromley at the event


Remembering Pupak Navabpour

It is with great sadness that we learned that Pupak Navabpour, our outstanding photography tutor, passed away on 15th December 2022.

Pupak worked at BAEC for almost 20 years, first teaching digital skills, and more recently, photography. She was a highly skilled photographer and tutor who inspired many, many students. Pupak taught beginners’ courses as well as Level 2 and Level 3 photography qualifications. Many of her students have gone on to become independent photographers, starting their own businesses; others went on to study at prestigious universities.

Every year, the external assessors for the qualification board reported on the extraordinarily high standards of work achieved within her classes. Pupak encouraged students to showcase their work and enter local and national competitions, some of them achieving the Royal Photographic Society LRPS distinction.

Pupak’s artistic flair and technical expertise went hand in hand with her excellent teaching skills. She developed innovative yet rigorous schemes of work, resources and projects to match the interest of her adult students. An early adopter of all teaching technologies, she pioneered the use of Google Classroom at BAEC and  seamlessly transferred her courses online during the pandemic.

She was a wonderful member of the team who is sadly missed.

Welcoming Ukrainians to the UK  – Вітаємо українців в Сполученому Королівстві Великої Британії

All Ukrainian adults and their family members over the age of 19, supported through the Ukraine Family Scheme and Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme, are immediately eligible for ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) courses at both the Kentwood and Poverest Centres. These courses are likely to be free but your individual circumstances will be assessed on application.

A new partnership agreement has been launched to enable more English language learning support for people from Ukraine.

Bromley Adult Education College and London South East Colleges have come together to enhance provision and capacity in support of people from Ukraine.  This means that additional courses will be put on to meet the demand for English language support in Bromley.

Adults from Ukraine have enrolled on English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) courses, with a variety of language practice learning opportunities underway, including with volunteers.  From April to June 2022, over 350 Ukrainian speakers were invited for an initial language assessment prior to enrolling on local courses. This support continues into 2023 and 2024.

Councillor Kate Lymer, Deputy Leader and Executive Councillor for Children, Education and Families said, “Learning in all its forms is important and we have successfully placed over 200 children in schools across the Borough and thank you to schools for supporting this.  Adults and children from Ukraine have been learning English for some time now but in recognition of the importance of this and to expand capacity, I am pleased we are working with London South East Colleges and Bromley Adult Education College, which will help expand our provision with understanding and speaking English crucial for all ages.”

Neil Coates, College Principal, Enterprise and Employment at London South East Colleges said: “We are delighted to be involved in such an important initiative to support Ukrainians in the Borough with learning English.

“Our aim is to make high quality education accessible to all; ultimately helping to support people of all ages and from all backgrounds to live fulfilling lives and achieve their career ambitions.

“Learning English is a vital first step for many and by working with the London Borough of Bromley, we are ensuring that more people can access this important provision.”

New partnership work underway to improve English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) in support of Ukraine with thanks to




Direct enquiries to BAEC

Register your interest for BAEC ESOL courses by completing this form. You will then be contacted and booked in for an assessment to assess your level of English so we can place you in a suitable class.

You can also call us on 020 8659 7976 or visit in person – the Kentwood Centre, SE20 7PR or the Poverest Centre, BR5 2DG.

We aim to contact you within two weeks of your registering your interest and we will place you in the first available class, so you can start learning as soon as possible.

Please bring your official permission letter from the Home Office and your passport with the 6-month entry stamp when you come to the college.

Other useful links:

Register your interest in becoming a host family/sponsor under the Homes for Ukraine scheme

Apply for a visa under the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme (Homes for Ukraine) – Guidance for Ukrainian nationals and their family members to come to the UK under the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme.

Apply for a Ukraine Family Scheme visa  – Guidance for family members of British nationals, UK settled persons and certain others to come to or stay in the UK under the Ukraine Family Scheme.

London Borough of Bromley – your local council where you will find more information about living and working in Bromley, including schooling and health care.

Вітаємо українців в Сполученому Королівстві Великої Британії

Всі українці дорослого віку та члени їхніх родин,  що перебувають в  країні  згідно Ukrainian Family Scheme  та   Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme          одночасно мають право скористатися   ESOL   (англійська для іноземців) курсами в обох  Kentwood   та  Poverest  центрах  коледжу .Ці  курси безперечно будуть безкоштовні для Вас ,але ваші особисті обставини будуть враховані після перевірки вашої заяви.

Зареєструватися для  ESOL курсів шляхом заповнення  заяви.

Register your interest for ESOL 

Надалі  ми з Вами   зможемо зв’язатися    та узгодити час для співбесіди, щоб оцінити рівень вашої англійської, саме так ми зможемо зарахувати вас до відповідної групи .


Ви також можете  зв’язатися за номером    02086597976  або особисто відвідати центри коледжу – Kentwood Centre,SE20 7PR

або Poverest Centre, BR5 2DG

Із собою  необхідно принести офіційній лист-дозвіл з Home office та паспорт із печаткою про в’їзд.

Інші корисні посилання:

Register your interest in becoming a host family\sponsor under the Homes  for Ukraine scheme

Apply for a   visa under the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme(Homes for Ukraine)

Довідник  для українців та членів їхніх родин по в’їзду до Сполученого Королівства по українській спонсорській візі

Apply for a Ukraine Family Scheme visa 

Довідник для членів сімей родини громадян Сполученого Королівства, осіб з тимчасовим та постійним дозволом на проживання  та інших, по в’їзду або проживанню у Сполученому Королівстві по українській сімейній візі

 London Borough of Bromley 

Ваша районна адміністрація ,тут  ви знайдете більше інформації про перебування та роботу в Бромлі, враховуючи школярство та охорону здоров ‘я