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Census Support Centres at BAEC

Census 2021

It is not too late to do your census! If anyone you know is having trouble completing it, we are here to help, please see opening times below.

Covid-19 precautions

Please wear a face covering when you attend either of our centres, and sanitise your hands on entering and leaving. At busy times you may be asked to queue. Please keep social distancing in mind and continue to wear your face covering if you are being helped by an adviser.

Census Support during week eight – from Monday 19th April:

Please continue to follow government guidance regarding social distancing and mask wearing.

Kentwood advisors available: Monday – Friday 10:00-14:00 as well as Tues and Thu 17:00-20:00  – this is onsite or by phone. Please call us on 020 8659 7976.

Poverest Centre:  Advisers will be available onsite on Monday between 13:00 and 16:00 and 18:30-20:30, as well as Friday 09:30-12:30. Outside of these times, you can call us on 020 8659 7976.

More Information about the Census

The Census takes place every 10 years and is a survey about all the households in England and Wales. Taking part in the census is your chance to help make sure you and your community get the services you need for the next 10 years and beyond. There is lots of information about Census 2021 on the official website, and this is where you can get answers to lots of your questions too.

The information you give in the census helps provide the best picture of the needs of everyone in England and Wales. Organisations such as local authorities and charities use this picture to plan and fund the services we all need, including transport, education and healthcare. Without the census, it’d be much more difficult to do this.  Do not worry, your information is protected by law. That means government officials dealing with payments or services you receive cannot see it.

This time, the census is “Digital First” – it is recommended that you complete it online and you can do this on a computer, tablet or mobile phone. However, if you need help to do this, Bromley Adult Education College can help. From the 8th March, we are operating as an official Census Support Centre and you can use a computer at the Kentwood or the Poverest Centres to complete your census. Additionally we have trained advisors on hand to support you or someone you know to complete the form online if you are not confident using the technology.

Please call us on 020 8659 7679 if you have any queries about the Support Service.