Update 16th August 2021
The government has confirmed that most legal restrictions have now been lifted. However, people are encouraged to act carefully and remain cautious.
BAEC has updated its procedures in accordance with the latest government guidance.
Social Distancing
Individuals do not need to stay 2 metres apart from people they do not live with. There is no limits on the number of people that can meet.
However, in order to minimise risk at a time of high prevalence, individuals should limit the close contact they have with those they do not usually live with, and increase close contact gradually. This includes minimising the number, proximity and duration of social contacts.
In September 2021, learner numbers in each classroom will remain broadly similar to numbers in 2020-21. Depending on the size of the classroom, this is usually between 10 and 14 learners in each group.
Masks and Face Coverings
The requirement to wear face coverings in law was lifted on 19th July 2021. However, the Government expects and recommends that people wear face coverings in crowded areas such as public transport.
Students are not required to wear face coverings in colleges, when in classrooms or communal areas but members of staff or students who would like to continue wearing a face covering are ok to do so. Please continue to discuss and agree as a group in a democratic way.
All other protective measures, such as ventilation and social distancing where possible, will remain in place.
Regular rapid testing is available at the Bromley Civic Centre and/or self tests (ask at the reception desk). Rapid testing is very important so that efforts continue to find and isolate asymptomatic cases when they do occur.
Risk assessments
Centre risks assessments will be reviewed for September 2021. These are carried out in full compliance with Covid secure Health and Safety measures and under the supervision of the Emergency Planning Team from London Borough of Bromley.
Hygiene measures remain in place in September 2021
Rooms are sanitised between lessons
Each classroom has been provided with wipes and antibacterial spray
Gel sanitisers are widely available at multiple points throughout the centres
Hand washing facilities are available at additional points other than gents’ or ladies’ toilets.
- face coverings will be available free of charge (receptions)
Keeping yourself and others safe
There are still cases of COVID-19 in England and there is a risk you could catch or pass on the virus, even if you are fully vaccinated. You are encouraged to exercise caution and consider the risks. While no situation is risk free, there are actions we can take to protect ourselves and others around us.
While BAEC will not carry out mass testing of learners when face to face classes start in September, you have the possibility of taking a test if you wish. You can collect a box of seven home testing kits from the Reception desk at both the Kentwood and Poverest Centres, or you can attend the Rapid Test centre at the Bromley Civic centre. You can find more information in later paragraphs of this page.
If you test positive, you will need to self isolate regardless of your vaccination status or age, and follow NHS guidance. You should let your tutor or a member of the reception staff know as soon as possible. BAEC will take all reasonable steps to support you so that you do not fall behind with your studies.
If you are in contact with someone who tests positive, you do not need to self-isolate if you are fully vaccinated but we ask that you let us know as soon as possible. It is important that BAEC’s record are accurate consider that others may wish to take a more cautious approach as England opens up. We should all be considerate of this, and provide the opportunity and space for others to reduce close contacts if they wish.
Easy Read guide to changes in England
Home testing kits for students and staff
You are able to collect a box of seven home testing kits from the Reception desk at both the Kentwood and Poverest Centres.
More information and Register your Results.
The Civic Centre Rapid Test centre – testing for Covid-19 if you do not have symptoms
The council has set up a rapid testing sites one at Bromley Civic Centre that uses lateral flow testing for those who do not have symptoms. One in three who test positive do not exhibit any symptoms.
Regular lateral flow testing in Bromley is for over 18s and is primarily intended for those who come into contact with people outside their own household or bubble as part of their everyday circumstances. This regular testing aims to identify those with the virus but no symptoms so that they can self-isolate. This aims to prevent further spread of the virus by people who would otherwise not know they are passing it on because they do not feel unwell.
To book your test, follow this link
You can call Rapid Testing Hotline No 020 8461 7799 if you cannot access the online system.
Vaccination information for speakers of other languages
Public Health England has published information on the UK vaccination programme in community languages. You can download the resources here
Translated leaflets for parents are available on this link.
Covid-19 Vaccination Scam Alert
Be aware of fraudulent text messages or emails offering a Covid-19 vaccination – See our Scam Awareness page for further information.
Keeping Well
Bromley Well Mental Health and Wellbeing service has published a useful guide with the latest information on Coronavirus in Bromley, including an update on the vaccination programme from NHS Sout East London Clinical Commissioning Group, a summary of available services to support you in these difficult times and emergency help. You can download the guide here
NHS Test and Trace
Further coronavirus information
We are working closely with our colleagues at Bromley council to ensure that our learners have access to the latest local and national information.
Bromley council information
Coronavirus (Covid -19) What you need to know
Updated advice from the UK Government regarding Coronavirus
The UK Government response page has been updated so that most information can be accessed from one place. Please use this link for all the very latest updates from the Government.
Department for Education Coronavirus helpline
The Department of Education have launched a helpline to answer questions about COVID-19 related to education. Staff, parents and young people can contact the helpline as follows:
Phone: 0800 046 8687
Email: DfE.coronavirushelpline@education.gov.uk
Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)
Where to find the latest information
Public Health England