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Guidance for online learning

If you choose an online course, you will need a reliable Internet connection and a computer with a microphone and a camera.

When you enrol, you will be sent instructions on how to join the remote meetings.

BAEC student Google account

Some of the courses taught at BAEC require the student to have a student Google account. If your course tutor has told you that you have a student account, watch the following video for details on how to log in.

VIDEO – How to log into your BAEC student account


Online Safety and Risks in the Online Environment

Click here to view our video on Risks in the Online Environment

 Digital skills: succeeding in a digital world

Succeeding in a digital world is a free badged course with the Open Univeristy which lasts 8 weeks, with approximately 3 hours’ study time each week. You can work through the course at your own pace, so if you have more time one week there is no problem with pushing on to complete another week’s study.

The course will develop your confidence and skills for life online, whether study, work or everyday life. It explores a range of digital skills and practices, including digital identity, digital well-being, staying safe and legal, finding and using information and online tools, and dealing with information overload. The importance of developing a critical approach to life online is emphasised throughout, whether consuming or creating information. You’ll be encouraged to reflect on your own situation and to apply what you learn to real-life scenarios, using a digital skills plan to keep a record of progress.

For further information and register click here 

Other online Courses

Other courses are available for you to keep up with your learning and develop your skills.

You can find out more on the following links

You may also be interested in other online opportunities – the following institutions offer free online courses in a variety of subjects.


