The PREVENT duty
‘The PREVENT duty’ means having due regard to the need to keep people safe and prevent them from the threat of being drawn into radicalism. BAEC regularly invites PREVENT Counter Terrorism Protect Borough officers to meet with the management team to discuss local and national risks, deliver workshops to staff and learners to raise awareness and take part in Safeguarding Week.
It’s probably nothing, but…….. If you see or hear anything that could be terrorist related, you can talk to any of the Safeguarding team members about it. Their names and contact details are displayed in each classroom. To report an immediate threat to life or property, call the confidential anti-terrorist hotline 0800 789 321
ACT early
How do you recognise the signs of radicalisation and what can you do about it?
ProtectUK provides free advice, guidance and learning to help businesses and communities understand protective security and improve their response to the risk of terrorism.
How extremists are exploiting the pandemic
The Commission for Countering Extremism has published this report looking at the ways extremists have sought to exploit the current pandemic. Find out more about conspiracy theories, misinformation and disinformation, fake news and hate crimes; as well as the steps we can all take to counter vulnerability and harm.
Educate Against Hate
The Educate Against Hate website helps understand the issues and provides information on online safety and the risk of radicalisation from social media. Find Government advice and trusted resources to help safeguard students from radicalisation, build resilience to all types of extremism and to promote our shared values.
Fundamental British Values
If you are a learner at BAEC, you will hear a lot about Fundamental British Values. These are not about ‘Being British’, but are fundamental values that contribute positively to life in modern Britain.
The promotion of Fundamental British Values are statutory duties for all educational establishments as part of the PREVENT duty.
So, how are Fundamental British Values made a part of life at BAEC?
The four Fundamental British Values are:
- Individual Liberty
- Democracy
- The Rule of Law
- Tolerance and mutual respect
You will find these being promoted in many ways as you continue your studies here. Examples include the following:
BAEC delivers a unique curriculum in Bromley, and it is within your individual liberty to be able to choose a course that interests you. You will complete Individual Learning Plans and agree personal objectives with your tutor. There may be some limits on your choices that are influenced by exam board criteria, eligibility requirements or funding priorities.
In fulfilling our expectations of democracy you will find opportunities to give feedback about BAEC and your time here. Vote casting and majority decisions in your classes may enable you and your classmates to decide on projects to be undertaken, and changes to session timings or break schedules.
Examples of the rule of law in action include many national laws that govern BAEC such as General Data Protection Regulation, Health and Safety regulations and the Equality Act. You will have a contract with BAEC in the form of your Learner Agreement. Classes will have their own sets of ground rules.
Being an inclusive College, we have codes of conduct for all staff and learners and these are expected to be respected. Our fees do not discriminate and we have changed our curriculum to focus on those with least access to education. Learners often help and support each other.